At what age did you start playing the instrument you play in the PSO? Did you learn another instrument first?
I was eleven years old when I picked up the trombone, with no prior experience on another instrument.
Why did you choose your current instrument?
Piano interested me, but I think the band director strongly suggested that I try the trombone. I doubt he had my interests in mind with this suggestion, and I can’t remember my attitude in complying. I wasn’t fond of the teacher but apparently I went along with his suggestion.
How long have you played with the PSO?
I’ve contracted with PSO on and off over the years, then I began subbing regularly a few years ago. About two years ago I accepted a full time position.
Where do you live?
Nottingham, NH, which celebrates its 300th anniversary this year.
Do you play with any other groups?
I play with quite a few established groups in the area, like Seacoast Big Band and Ourbigband, and I sub frequently in many others.
What do you like about playing with a symphony orchestra?
I love the symphony form and the concept of heterogeneous instruments working together to create a unified sound. The sonic range of the ensemble will always be special in a live setting. From the back row, I enjoy watching and listening to the other instrument groups craft a musical line as much as I enjoy contributing my own part.
How do you spend your time outside of the PSO?
I work in athletics around New England and race for a team in Massachusetts, so I’m frequently coaching or running on trails and roads all over the region. If I’m not doing that you’ll probably find me on a stream, in a treestand, or out in the turkey or squirrel woods depending on the time of year. The wild spaces and variety of fauna in the Northeast fascinate me.
What is your favorite piece of music to play on your instrument?
I couldn’t possibly pick a single piece for this, but one of the first possibilities to come to mind is Brahms 4.