Stringendo Youth Ensemble

Sophia Yim

Sophia Yim is a 15 year old violinist in the Stringendo program for young musicians. She started playing violin when she was 12 after seeing a presentation about instruments in her 7th grade music class. Sophia is currently a sophomore at Newmarket Jr/Sr High School and takes music lessons through the Seacoast Academy of Music with Portsmouth Concertmaster Zoia Bologovsky. Stringendo is Sophia’s first coming into view as a young violinist. She joined so she could improve at playing the violin. While she is looking forward to diving deeper into the world of music, she aspires to be a mechanical or aeronautical engineer.

From Stringendo’s wonderful instructors, Ms. Dionne and Mr. Mok, I’ve learned many concepts of music theory, gained useful guidance from guest speakers, and collaborated with peers to play a wide collection of pieces.
